life at Earl Rowe. The campsites are big and private.
After arriving and setting up we checked out the
park to get our bearings.
We then drove to the Staton General Store to pick
up some of the best fudge in the world. Yum!!
I was able to re-stock my Tiramisu hot chocolate
supply and get a few new outfits for the summer.
We also bought a new sign for Arista.
We enjoyed a campfire that evening.
Saturday morning we went into Beeton for there
annual Honey Fest. Had breakfast prepared by the
local fire dept. and walked the main street checking
out all of the vendors. We spotted a Blue Heron in the
river that evening looking for some supper.
Sunday while out hiking on a trail we spotted another
Pileated Woodpecker. This one was much closer but I
was not able to get a picture before it flew away. I was able
to get a few mushroom photos though. We didn't get out
canoeing as the water was so full of algae by the edges that
we didn't want to get into it. We had a restful week-end.
Images from our week-end.
I wonder how long the beaver worked
to get this much chewed away. I'm
sure his teeth were sore after all this.
Did the beaver really think he was
going to be able to get this stately
Willow tree down?
New life growing in the past life of the forest.
Saturday evening at the campfire.
"Dryad's Saddle" Fungus which is kidney shape.
The forest floors were covered in ferns.