We arrived mid afternoon and started exploring
the park. We hiked the Stubb's Falls Trail and
just enjoyed relaxing and listening to the sounds
of the water. While hiking the trail we experienced
the pleasure of a pileated woodpecker. They are the
largest of the woodpeckers and we had a good view. In
the evening we traveled to the Mayflower Lake and
were able to get amazing photos as the water was
like glass that evening. Saturday we canoed on
Arrowhead Lake and took in the sights and sounds
of the park. Duncan came up with a new song to sing
on Saturday but I have been sworn to secrecy as to its
words....lol Sunday we took a trip through Algonquin Park.
If you want to have some good laughs I suggest you spend
some time watching the inexperienced canoers at the portage
store in the park. We watched as two adults and a child got
into a canoe facing each other then started to paddle and for
some reason they were not getting anywhere. This was just
one of many examples.....lol We stopped at Oxtongue Ragged
Falls on the way back to Arrowhead and hiked the trail up to
the top of the falls. What a View!!! Sunday evening when we
headed down to Arrowhead Lake to get sunset pictures just as
we started to walk the trail we heard cracking sounds and then
a big bang. A large tree to the right of the pathway fell to the
ground. The sounds were amazing. Duncan said if a tree falls
in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make any noise?
I will let you decide the answer to that one. Monday we explored
Mayflower Lake in the canoe before breakfast. An enjoyable long
week-end except for the black flies on one of the trails that seemed
to enjoy nibbling on my ears.
Photos of the week-end
Stubb's Falls from the mid way point on the
rocks to the left of the falls.
A close up view from the same area.
Fungus slowly deteriorating the bark
of a tree.
When one dies another grows to
take its place.
Red Trillium's on the Stubb's Falls
Reflections on the Mayflower Lake. The water
was like glass on Friday evening.
A view of the oxbow on the Big East River as
we explored the Big Bend Trail.
We stopped to explore the shore of Arrowhead
Lake while out canoeing Saturday.
A view of the Oxtongue Ragged Falls west of
Algonquin Park.
A tree will grow anywhere as long as it gets
some of it's roots into the soil. Amazing!!!
Sunset through the pathway to
Arrowhead Lake. This is where we
heard the falling tree.
Sunset through pine branches with the reflection
on Arrowhead Lake Sunday evening.
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