It was another adventure this week-end. When we left home it was raining but we arrived to clearing skies at Port Burwell. We had one of our favorite sites and we were high and dry. Unfortunately the same can't be said for many other campers. They had lots of rain and many sites were mud baths. They even had to close the road to the far beaches due to flooding. The parking lots at the near beaches were covered in water by the dunes you have to cross to get to the beach so we had a beach less week-end. On Friday we went to the docks to see if we could see Jushua our nephew who works diving out in Lake Erie but we couldn't find him. We had a great evening at the campfire. Saturday was a relaxing time as my shoulder is still bothering me. In the afternoon I headed out on the Ravine Trail to see what I could find. Even though I was well covered in bug spray I was fine dining for all the mosquitoes. It was a quicker hike than I had planned as I must have had at least 25 bites before I headed out of the woods and back to our site. After an afternoon snooze we received an e-mail that a friend of ours had passed away earlier in the afternoon so we sat and reflected on some of the good times we had had with her. Later on we were surprised when Jushua found us at our campsite and we had a great visit with him. Duncan & I enjoyed a late dinner and headed down to the docks to see the boat he works off of. For a treat we headed to the ice cream shop and enjoyed a yummy waffle ice cream cone. Not long after getting back to camp a storm rolled in so we sat out and enjoyed the sights and sounds of it. Sunday the sun did return and the humidity rose. I went for a walk to get a few photos of some flowers I had spotted on our way in on Friday. When I got back Duncan had made a yummy brunch for us. We enjoyed the next few hours at our site and headed home. They are calling for a sunny and much less humid week-end this week so I am looking forward to a nice walk on the beach.

The sub from the 2nd World War has arrived
in Port Burwell and is open for tours now
A young Northern Rough-winged Swallow looking for mom
Open wide mom has some food
Closing it mouth so he won't drop it
Stretching after enjoying the snack
You are not my mom. What do you want?
My hike in mosquito ville!!
Slime fungus
Coral fungus
Tree art in the woods
Red fungus I have to identify
This robin worked all week-end
building a nest at our site
The boat Jushua works off of in Lake Erie
One of many flowers down by the dock
Northern Rough-winged Swallow feeding her
young in the condo bird house at the town beach
Lilly flowers by the road
Rain drops on the lillies
Baby grasshopper on a budding flower
There is lots of water in the bushes
Dainty yellow flowers
A Bumble Bee collecting pollen
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